Book Babies Storytime: Celebrate!

Book Babies Storytime: Celebrate!

Image of a bunch of balloons against a backdrop of a blue sky

Books of the Week:

My Party, Mi Fiesta: A Coco Rocho Book by Raul the Third
Hooray for Babies by Susan Myers
Who Has Wiggle-Waggle Toes? by Francesca Chessa
Fiesta by Ginger Foglesong Guy

Announcements & Bubbles

“I’m in the Mood for Bubbles”
I’m in the mood for bubbles.
Hey, how about you?
I’m in the mood for bubbles.
Hey, how about you?
I’m in the mood for bubbles, playing along with you.
Hey, hey, what do you say? I’m in the mood for that today.
Hey, hey, what do you say? I’m in the mood for that!

“10 Little Bubbles”
There are 1 little, 2 little, 3 little bubbles,
4 little, 5 little, 6 little bubbles,
7 little, 8 little, 9 little bubbles,
10 little bubbles go,
Pop, pop, pop!

Pop, pop, pop,
Can you pop those bubbles?
Pop, pop, pop,
Can you pop those bubbles?
Pop, pop, pop,
Can you pop those bubbles?
Here at Storytime?


“Cool Cat”
Hey there________you’re a real cool cat
You got a lot of this and you got a lot of that
So come on in and get down (ch ch ch ch ch ch)
To the left (ch ch ch ch ch ch)
To the right (ch ch ch ch ch ch)
Up in the air (ch ch ch ch ch ch)
And get down (ch ch ch ch ch ch)

“Clap Everybody and Say Hello”
Clap everybody and say hello
Clap everybody and say hello
Clap everybody and say hello
It’s nice to be together.

Other verses: Stomp everybody, Jump everybody

“The Waves on the Beach”
The waves on the beach go up and down,
up and down, up and down,
The waves on the beach go up and down
All day long

Other verses:
The crabs on the beach go snap, snap, snap..
The clams on the beach go open and shut…
The sand on the beach goes swish, swish, swish..

“My Scarf it Has 4 Corners”
My scarf it has 4 corners
4 corners has my scarf
And had it not 4 corners
It would not be my scarf
1, 2, 3, 4.

Other Verses:
My blanket…
My pillow…
My cape…

Get Ready for a Story

  • Take some deep belly breaths to calm the body. You can teach your child how to deep breathe by modeling deep breathing yourself. 
  • Remind kiddos that we know they are ready for a story when their eyes are on the reader, their ears are listening, their mouth is quiet, and their body is calm. 

Book #1

Get the Wiggles Out!

“Old McDonald Went to the Ocean”
Old MacDonald Went to the Ocean
And in the ocean, she saw a shark
With a snap, snap here and a snap, snap there,
here a snap, there a snap, everywhere a snap, snap,
Old MacDonald Went to the Ocean

Other Verses: crab/pinch, tuna/splash, octopus/squiggle

“A Big Sea Star”
A big sea star, a big sea star
Little cuddle clam, and a big sea star
A big sea star, a big sea star
Little cuddle clam, and a big sea star
A puffer fish, a puffer fish,
Little cuddle clam and a big sea star
A puffer fish, a puffer fish,
Little cuddle clam and a big sea star

Get Ready for a Story

  • Take some deep belly breaths to calm the body. You can teach your child how to deep breathe by modeling deep breathing yourself. 
  • Remind kiddos that we know they are ready for a story when their eyes are on the reader, their ears are listening, their mouth is quiet, and their body is calm.

Book #2

Goodbye for Now

Positive Affirmations w/ affirmation cards
Model saying affirming statements out loud. Encourage your little one to repeat after you. Some examples: “I am brave.” “I am curious.” “I am silly.” “I am kind.”

“If You’re Happy and You Know It, Give a Shake!”
If you’re happy and you know it, give a shake
If you’re happy and you know it, give a shake
If you’re happy and you know it and you really want to show it
If you’re happy and you know it, give a shake

Other Verses: Give a tap, clap your hands, put it back

“The Goodbye Train is Leaving”
Tune of “She’ll Be Coming Around the Mountain”
Oh the goodbye train is leaving see you soon, toot, toot.
Oh the goodbye train is leaving see you soon, toot, toot.
Oh the goodbye train is leaving, the goodbye train is leaving
Oh the goodbye train is leaving see you soon, toot, toot

So we’ll say goodbye to _____, see you soon.
So we’ll say goodbye to _____, see you soon.
We’ll say goodbye to __________ and we’ll say goodbye to ________
And we’ll say goodbye to _____, see you soon.

Shake it to the East: Shaker Song